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AAL Siege Brill School
100, Rue Norbert Metz
L-3524 Dudelange

Adresse Postale:
Boite postale 1711
L-1017 Luxembourg


E-Mail Contacts:

  • Administration:
    • President: Pierre Kelsen
    • Honorary President: Fernand Emering, Nicolas Feierstein
    • Secretary: Leon Schartz
    • Treasurer: Jeanny Jungbluth
  • Committee members 2024:
    • President: Pierre Kelsen
    • Honorary President: Fernand Emering, Nicolas Feierstein
    • Secretary: Leon Schartz
    • Treasurer: Jeanny Jungbluth
    • Library & Archives: Jeanny Jungbluth
    • Mariette Steinberg
    • Yanna Di Ronco
    • Jacques Kieffer (Astrophotography)
    • Marc Mathay
    • Eric Dondelinger
    • Financial auditors: Karin Kieffer-Demange, Patrick Raas
  • Specialists:
    • Asteroid Search:Mat Dawson
    • Meteorites/Tektites: Guy Heinen
    • Meteorites: Patrick Helminger
    • Astrophotography/Telescopes: Fernand Emering
    • General Astronomy/Cosmology: Pierre Kelsen
  • Web Team:
    • General Questions:
    • Webmaster/Tech:
    • Webcoordinator/Content: Eric Dondelinger

E-Mail addresses are only given as garbled images in order to prevent spam.
A human being should be able to interpret them.

Saturday, 27 Jul 2024
Internet Time: @350
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+ Infrared Space Observatory Home Page
+ IAYC 2010 in Klingenthal, Germany from August 1st to August 21st 2010
+ MAXCLOCK - A high-precision digital astronomical software clock
+ Global Cloud Cover Maps
+ W. M. Keck Observatory
+ Cassini & Huygens - Raumfahrer.net - german page
+ Polarlicht - German page
+ Gallery of the Great 2003 Mars - CMO (Communications in Mars Observations) - japanese site (in english)
+ Planck Cosmic Microwave Background Telescope
+ La Silla Observatory

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Layout & Programming by: J.M. Roth |  Coordination & Astronomical Content by: J. Steinberg